Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Future First Man Does Not Help Hillary....

I have blogged earlier about what Hillary Clinton and Obama's dispute over Dr. King. Obama felt that she was taking away form the great things that Dr. King did. Former President Bill Clinton was caught napping during a MLK celebration.

This does not help Hillary at all. People can use this against her to prove that she and her family are insensitive about MLK's legacy. This will lose them a lot black votes. SLEEPING BEHIND MLK'S SON! WOW! THIS IS EMBARRASSING!!!!


Sean Rakowski said...

Clinton (Bill) has caused more controversy since this incident. Have you heard his comments after South Carolina? Many political analysts are saying the former President is hurting his wife more than helping her with her campaign.

By the way, is there a way to make that link work? Right now, you can copy and paste it and go to the video that way...
Mr. R

Adubb3 said...

This angers me a lot because bill Clinton is showing no respect. I think this could effect Hillary's campaign greatly. I hope that Bill Clinton catches a lot of flack for falling asleep during the speech. Just because of this incident, i hope that Hillary does not win.